Imagine being harassed online

In March 2018, one of WebGuy's customers was savagely harassed. When WebGuy went to her defense, Mark W. Mumma was instantly targeted for harassment and found himself in the middle of a decade long, international criminal harassment and cyber-stalking spree.

What if your web site just vanished?

On December 28th, 2015, several of WebGuy's customer's web sites were hacked. The sites suddenly went offline with a ransom note demanding the sum of $310 USD to get the files back. Without a backup, this could have turned out to be a really big deal. Not at WebGuy Communications. We do daily offsite backups —

The old adage, "You Get what you Pay For" couldn't be more true when it comes to the topic of Domain Registration

I used to hear this a lot, but I must admit, it has been about 5 years since I have been faced with this objection.

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