Backups, Backups, Backups
WebGuy takes backup seriously. And with good reason. Some of our clients were hacked in December. So seriously that we do it for you automatically. Your domain's configuration, its forwarding. Any files, images or documents associated with it are backed up nightly at midnight Central Time to two diffrent data centers. Since we run Solid State Drives exclusively, backups actually only take a minute or two. in fact, if you check out our Network Status page at midnight Central Time you can see the server status change to "Backup" as it happens. Better not blink. Backups rarely take more than two minutes or so.
GoDaddy allows you to make manually make backups of your database. In fact, they tell you its a good idea to do it. If you want to back up your site, you'll have to do that on your own using an FTP server. Nothing could be more time consuming and potentially confusing for the majority of web site owners.